Mrs. Night Terror

The Legend Of Little Ramona

Mrs. Night Terror Season 1 Episode 1

Carly, a devoted wife and ambitious woman, had always dreamed of having a baby. After a challenging pregnancy and a heartbreaking loss during childbirth, Carly's mind retreats into a protective delusion, believing a yarn doll she crafted is her baby girl, Ramona. Her husband, desperate to restore her to reality, moves them to a new home and introduces her to a new baby, reigniting Carly's joy and sense of motherhood. This captivating tale explores the depths of grief, the power of love, and the lengths one man will go to bring his wife back from the brink of despair.

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Carly had always dreamed of becoming a mother. She had baby dolls, Barbie’s, and a few cats that she all named Ramona. She loved the name ever since she read a story with a girl that had the same name. At this point in her life she was a college graduate, full time teacher, attentive wife, and small business owner. But even with all of her incredible accomplishments, she still hadn’t fulfilled her lifelong wish of having a baby of her own. 

Carly had never had two parents in her household, so she dreamed of having a full family for her little one to grow up with. Her husband was on board with starting a family, and encouraged the idea of removing her birth control so they could begin as soon as possible!

Carly went to her doctor and explained that she was ready to get pregnant. She was over joyed and her doctor agreed that now was a better time than any. He told her he needed to run some tests before she should proceed, which Carly agreed to. 

Although Carly was healthy enough to carry a baby, her doctor explained to her that she could be high risk due to her having a dilated cervix. He let her know that as soon as she expects that she could be pregnant, she should make an appointment to have her cervix mended and she would likely be put on bed rest for the entirety of the pregnancy. 

Carly agreed to his advice. She had him proceed with removing her birth control, and she excitedly went home to tell her husband. 

Carly lived in a gorgeous 3 bedroom house in rural Georgia. They had thriving peach trees and acres of land in which she planned on building a playground for her new child when they were born. Carly waited anxiously for her husband. When he came home she couldn’t wait any longer to start the baby making process. Within 3 weeks Carly was pregnant with their first child. She couldn’t be any happier than the moment she read ‘positive’ on the pregnancy tests. She took 3 just to be safe. All agreed. She was pregnant.

The next morning she called her doctor with the amazing news. She scheduled an appointment, and they got her in the next day. Her doctor was surprised by how quickly she had conceived. He was excited for Carly and her husband. He knew how much this baby meant to her. As he had explained to her before, she was high risk and needed to be put on complete bed rest to avoid any complications.

Carly and her husband were mildly concerned, but the doctor assured them that as long as they followed his orders, she would be able to deliver a healthy baby. 

Carly’s husband had a custom build bed delivered for Carly so that she could have everything she needed in one place. He had his mother stay with her on the day that he worked so that she would never be alone, and if she needed something there was no need for her to leave the bed. 

Carly’s mother in law was very happy about the pregnancy. This would be her first grand child and she couldn’t wait to spoil it with love and of course, gifts! Carly’s mother in law loved Carly, and knew that she was an ambitious overachiever. Staying in bed for 9 months was not going to be an easy thing for Carly to do, so her mother in law suggested that she take up a hobby to help pass the time. 

Carly decided that she would make toys for her little one. She started with yard dolls, then began making homemade puzzles, within a few short months she had made a room full of creative toys and games for her new addition. 

After 9 months, it was time. The baby was scheduled to be born and it was the day. Carly and her husband arrived at the hospital ready to deliver their healthy baby girl. Carly wasn’t nervous until she heard the doctor say that they needed to get the baby out asap. He reassured her that everything was fine. But her cervix was trying to pass the baby through, but with her complications she was scheduled for a c-section. He didn’t want to risk a natural child birth and moved quickly yo get her baby girl out. 

What was a happy cheerful day for Carly, suddenly became worrisome and frightening. The sunlit room became gray. The happy, smiling doctor now had a frantic look on his face. She was no longer comfortable and she could see tears running down her husbands cheeks. 

She could see him on the phone. But she couldn’t hear what he was saying. She tried to be happy. She tried to stay positive. But her anxiety took over. She could no longer hear the words that anyone was saying. Everything was mute. All she could hear were her own thoughts. Thoughts of dread and concern. 

Her mother in law ran into the hospital room. And in that moment, Carly fainted. Her mind was too overwhelmed with the thought of any negative outcome. She couldn’t bear any bad news. Her body shut down. 

Carly and her husband arrived home. Since she had a c section her doctor put her back on bed rest for an additional 6 weeks. While in bed Carly made tons of yarn dolls. Each day she obsessively made the dolls, called each of them ‘little Ramona’ 

6 weeks passed and Carly had made hundred of dolls. They were lined up all across the bedroom. She had made so many dolls that her husband began donating them to local shelters because their house couldn’t hold them all. 

Her husband told Carly that she needed to get out of bed. Her doctor wants her to come in for a check up to clear her. But Carly couldn’t stop obsessively making the dolls. Her husband called the doctor, he explained that Carly refused to get out of the bed. So the doctor decided to make a house call.

Hello Carly. How are you? The doctor asked 

I’m great doc, more than great! What are you doing here? Asked Carly. 

Well Carly, your husband said that you didn’t want to come into see me, so I decided to come see you. Said the doctor.

Oh yea, I know, I’m sorry, said Carly. I’ve been so busy with the baby! 

The doctor looked puzzled. 

Look at my beautiful little romona! Said Carly

The doctor looked in her arms to see a small doll made of yarn. He asked her if she remembered what happened at the hospital.

Carly said, oh yes! Of course! I delivered a healthy baby girl, all thanks to you doc!

Carly’s husband immediately began sobbing. Up until this moment, Carly hadn’t spoken of anything. She had been katatonic for the passed 6 weeks. He walked out of the bedroom and the doctor followed.

Doc. Is this normal? He asked. How can she not remember that our baby girl got stuck in her womb and died? How can she not remember? Doc. Please help me make sense of this. 

The doctor put his head down and explained that it was a coping mechanism to help protect herself from the extreme grief that she was experiencing. 

The doctor suggested a psychologist to help her come to terms with the loss. And told him that he should try to gently explain to Carly about the loss of their baby.

Doc. Please. Can you help me? I just can’t tell her by myself. Please. I beg you.

The doctor agreed, and they both walked back into the bedroom. Carly, baby, can we talk to you? Her husband sobbed as he tried to explain that their baby had died. 

The doctor interjected. Carly, your baby was stuck in your birth canal for too long and she unfortunately passed away. Do you remember that?

Carly looked up at the doctor. No doc, my baby is right here! She was convinced that the doll made of yarn was her little Ramona. 

For the next 10 years Carly stayed in bed with her doll made of yard. They tried therapy. They tried explaining the situation. But to no avail. She would talk with her doll. Change her, feed her, and play with her. Every morning you could hear her sing ‘you are my sunshine’ and every night she would read her,, her favorite story books. 

Carly’s husband was a tortured soul at this point. He couldn’t handle it anymore. He wanted so bad for his wife to snap out of it. He wasn’t his wife back. He needed her. He missed her deeply. 

Thoughts of suicide ran through his mind. But he craved life. He couldn’t give up that easily.

He imagined putting his wife in an institution. But knew that her life would never improve. They would lock her in a room and throw away the key.

Life without her was just unbearable. He needed to get her back.

Carly’s husband always thought of himself of a decent man. But love can make you crazy. And he knew he only had one choice.

He loaded up Carly, the yarn doll and all of their belongings into the car. Without telling Carly, he had sold their home and decided to start life over in a whole new place. At this point his mother had passed away, neither of them had any other family and he just needed a fresh start.

Upon arriving at their new home, timid and meek Carly walked into the house looking around. Unsure of why they were in a new place. She walked through the home examining each room. No smile or happiness until she stumbled into the last bedroom. It was painted pink and had all of the homemade toys and dolls lining the walls. Her face remained the same until her husband said surprise. 

Carly turned around and her husband handed her a brand new baby girl. Here baby, go to mommy. Carly’s face grew happy. She grinned from ear to ear. Her husband looked at his wife and said, this Is Ramona’s new room, do you like it? In an instant his old wife was back. It was as if the passed 10 years hadn’t happened. She cried with joy over their new home and Their new baby, little Ramona.